Finally Some Pictures!!
Hi Friends,
I finally have some pictures up....They range from my stopover in London, my first few days doing a cardiovascular health survey in Mwandama, visiting a classmate's house in Mulanje, and finally doing "America Day" at a friend's school in Ndirande, just outside of Blantyre.
I'm so thrilled that you can finally see what my life has been like out here!!
Aparna!! How beautiful the country is.. I love all pictures and thank you for sharing them with us. You look fine and it is the greatest thing avobe all. Please take care and am looking forwrd to hearing next news too! I will go to France from the end of March to June in ESSEC. Misa
It's beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! The green is so green...........
You look pretty in that haircut. Malawi suits you.
Very interesting fotos. Thanks for sharing. Try to keep posting more...
Un beso
Hey Aparna! It's Cheryl Carandang (Nocon) from St. Mike's! Wow, your work sounds amazing, and the pictures are gorgeous. It seems like an incredible experience, and I'm so happy you're able to do something you're obviously passionate about. Maybe one day our paths will cross and we'll work on a public health project together =) Keep up the great work and post more pictures. I enjoy living vicariously through other people =)
Hi Aparn! Pictures look great!! It looks beautiful. can't wait to come!
Great Pictures! the country is very green and everyone looks happy. Keep up the good work. Mike Casey
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