Celebrity...in Malawi?
Last year, my friend enticed me to take some pictures to be on a billboard in Malawi for the National Bank. They wanted to show that foreigners used their services, so they said. I reluctantly agreed, thinking that nothing would ever happen. I did, in fact, receive some payment for the service, and the photographer assured us that the billboard would be up in 2 weeks near the major airports, one in Blantyre and one in Lilongwe. 2 months elapsed and I never saw the pictures. Ah well, I thought, I didn't care to draw any more attention to myself anyways. Then comes this year. In June a classmate emails me and tells me he was pleasantly suprised to see my friend and I on a billboard when going to Zambia. Another friend driving from Mozambique in August confirmed the same story. And finally, I received the picture this morning. It is confirmed, I am a celebrity in Malawi at relatively small border crossings...

Don't go gettin a big head, now! That's awesome :).
ENTICED? glad our friendship is immortalised in mwanza. long may our modelling careers continue!!
i guess this makes my stalking you on your blog ligitimate now--you *are* famous!
thats awesome!!
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